SwissCCS Annual report 2023
Dear members of the SwissCCS, As President of SwissCCS, I am pleased to present you with the annual report for 2023. This report serves as a review of our activities, achievements and the development of our association over the past year. It shows the goals that we have achieved together and provides an insight into the challenges that we have successfully overcome.

Review of the year 2023
The past year was characterised by a wide range of challenges that we were only able to overcome thanks to the active support of our members, the tireless efforts of our Board of Directors and the outstanding work of our office. Our main focus was on shaping our brand and the training programme.
Key events and successes
Annual General Meeting
We said goodbye to Tobias Merseburger from the Executive Board. His successor and the filling of other Board positions will be finalised by the next Annual General Meeting. Michael Meier and Marie-Teres Moser, who serve as assessors, make valuable contributions in the area of young professionals, cooperation with the HSLU and the creation of training materials.
Energy and sustainability were the focus of our supporting programme at the symposium. It is particularly pleasing to see that the event met with great interest and was well attended. The high number of participants emphasises the importance and growing awareness of sustainable concepts in the field of energy and sustainability in our industry. The discussions and dialogue during the conference not only deepened existing knowledge, but also opened up new perspectives and encouraged the development of innovative solutions.
Brand development
The new SwissCCS brand identity was successfully launched at the General Assembly. It is pleasing that the new corporate design has met with positive feedback from our members. With the introduction of the new corporate design, the SRRT suffix was also removed from the SwissCCS name. SwissCCS now presents itself with a fresh image that is also visible to the outside world.
Cooperation with SWKI
Over the past year, SwissCCS and SWKI have made significant progress towards more intensive collaboration. Numerous discussions were held to lay the foundations for closer co-operation. SwissCCS was presented at the General Assembly of SWKI, whereupon an agreement was reached to submit a declaration of intent for co-operation to the members of both associations for approval. This declaration outlines the basic guidelines of the cooperation and offers the boards of both associations the opportunity to further work out the details of the cooperation and create a clear framework for it. The constructive discussions with the SWKI are a positive sign and there is great anticipation for the 2024 General Assembly, at which information on the document and the progress of the collaboration will be provided.
Participation in standardisation committees
Active participation in committees of international standardisation bodies such as the ISO (International Organization for Standardization), the CEN (European Committee for Standardisation) and the VDI (Association of German Engineers) is an essential part of our Executive Board's activities. In 2023, the appointment of Thomas Krauss as Treasurer during the ICCCS meeting in Japan took centre stage. He succeeds Arnold Brunner, who was formally retired in Japan. If you are interested in working on standards, we would be delighted to hear from you. We would be pleased to offer you the opportunity to participate in our activities and expand your knowledge and skills in this important area.
Training programme
On 20 November 2023, 14 members of our association gathered for an online meeting to discuss the existing training materials and their future design. During this meeting, it was decided to focus on basic training courses. There are also plans to expand the training programme to include specific in-depth topics in the future. The lively participation in the meeting emphasises the great interest and importance of revising the training materials.
HSLU meets cleanroom technology
A great event for all cleanroom enthusiasts at the HSLU in Lucerne on 6 November 2023. In addition to many students, our SwissCCS members also found their way to the HSLU Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts. Thanks to Marie-Teres Moser, we were able to organise this event and give the students a brief insight into cleanroom technology. This was followed by an aperitif in the laboratory. The event will take place again in 2024.
A guest at SKAN AG
On 26 October 2023, around 30 members visited SKAN AG in Allschwil. After a welcome and introduction by Guiseppe Cirillo, Head of Sales & Marketing, the participants were able to take a look at the new office premises and tour the production facilities under the expert guidance of Stefan Schaefer. The aperitif was followed by lively discussions. We are already looking forward to the next event of this kind.
Thanks and recognition
I would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone involved for their outstanding work and support. The success of our association would not have been possible without the commitment of each individual. In particular, I would like to thank our colleagues on the Board, the auditors, the office and of course you, our members, for your loyalty and support.
Outlook and wishes
We look forward with confidence to 2024 and the other tasks that lie ahead of us. The foundation of our success is the community of our association, and I am convinced that we will also master future challenges together.
I wish you a successful, healthy and happy year and look forward to welcoming you in person at our future events. Together we will continue to work towards a strong and successful future for SwissCCS.
Kind regards,
Roman Schläpfer
President SwissCCS