About us

Management bord

Roman Schläpfer

ewah AG
Richtistrasse 2
8304 Wallisellen

+41 44 245 12 74
+41 79 621 98 84
Stephane Blanc
Representative Suisse Romandie

Romande Energie Services SA
Avenue de la Gare 22
1028 Préverenges

+41 79 772 82 48

Marco Cucinelli

OST-Ostschweizer Fachhochschule Campus Buchs
Werdenbergstrasse 4
9471 Buchs / Schweiz

+41 58 257 34 57

Thomas Krauss

Valtria Swiss AG
Javastrasse 4
8604 Volketswil

+41 41 780 55 55

Michael Meier

Bioexam AG
Maihofstrasse 95a
6006 Luzern

+41 41 429 31 55

Thomas Mosimann

Unifil AG
Industriestrasse 1
5702 Niederlenz

+41 62 885 01 34

Norbert Otto

C-tec Cleanroom-Technology GmbH
Hegelstrasse 33+37
DE-72108 Rottenburg a.N.

+49 7472 988720

Honorary members

Prof. Arnold Brunner

Obermattstrasse 2
8330 Pfäffikon ZH

Werner Straub

Schellenstrasse 62
8708 Männedorf

Hans Zingre

Via Grava 39
7031 Laax GR

Dr. Tauno Jalanti

Microscan Service SA
Rue de la Blancherie 17
1022 Chavannes-près-Renens



Angel Gomez

Admeco AG
Turbistrasse 17
CH-6280 Hochdorf

+41 41 914 70 35


Association information

  • SwissCCS - the Swiss Cleanroom Society - was founded in 1971
  • SwissCCS is a non-profit association with currently approx. 110 collective and 70 individual members
  • SwissCCS organises annual conferences on cleanroom technology topics
  • SwissCCS organises, often in cooperation with other professional associations, seminars on the introduction to cleanroom technology or other current topics
  • SwissCCS offers its members a forum for contacts with specialist colleagues from Switzerland and abroad, as well as between suppliers and users of cleanroom technology
  • SwissCCS represents Switzerland in the international umbrella organisation of cleanroom technology societies, the International Confederation of Contamination Control Societies ICCCS
  • SwissCCS has organised the world symposium for cleanroom technology, the International Symposium on Contamination Control, on behalf of the ICCCS three times - in 1972, 1990 and 2012.
  • SwissCCS, in close cooperation with the Swiss Association for Standardisation SNV, promotes international standardisation work in the field of cleanroom technology and actively participates in the relevant technical committees of the Comité Européen de Normalisation CEN and the International Organization for Standardization ISO
  • SwissCCS is actively involved in the cleanroom technology guideline work of the VDI Society for Technical Building Services of the VDI Association of German Engineers
  • SwissCCS is actively involved in the food technology guideline work of the VDI Verein Deutscher Ingenieure e.V. (Association of German Engineers).
  • SwissCCS regularly informs its members - via Bulletin - about events and further training opportunities in the field of cleanroom technology at home and abroad.


The International Confederation of Contamination Control Societies ICCCS was founded in 1972 and today comprises 17 cleanroom technology societies from all over the world. The SRRT-SwissCCS is a founding member.

The ICCCS has the following tasks:
Coordination of the international exchange of experience in the field of cleanroom technology.
Coordinating and promoting international standardisation in the field of cleanroom technology and thus contributing to the reduction of technical barriers to trade.

The ICCCS organises world symposia on cleanroom technology every two years. In this way, the ICCCS provides the members of the SRRT with a dialogue with experts from all over the world.

With the ICCCS Cleanroom Forum, the ICCCS offers a discussion forum on the Internet that enables experts to exchange ideas and experiences on a global basis.

Visit the ICCCS homepage: www.icccs.net