International Symposium on Contamination Control and Cleanroom Technology - 14.-17. Oktober 2024 in Milano:
International Symposium on Contamination Control and Cleanroom Technology - 14.-17. Oktober 2024 in Milano:

International Symposium on Contamination Control and Cleanroom Technology
Every two years, a member society of the ICCCS (International Confederation of Contamination Control Societies) organizes the International Symposium on Contamination Control and Cleanroom Technology.
The 26th edition of the ISCC Contamination Control Symposium will be held in Milan, by the Italian Society of Contamination Control- ASCCA.
The ISCC2024 will bring together leading technology providers, end users of the different areas of use of contamination control, academic scientists, and international regulators to network, share insights and provide an outlook on the evolving landscape and future of cleanroom technology and side applications.
More information on the symposium can be found on the ICCCS website.